A very special wedding, not only for the couple, but for me personally.I just love this whole family, I photographed the weddings of all three children in the family, and I consider it a HUGE honour that they all three chose me as their wedding photographer. We also did the videography at all three weddings. Thanks Anneli, Hein, Melissa, Schalk, Annelize and Charles. Some of the most special memories of my life will always be your three weddings. Here is a photo of Surika, Timothy and myself with the whole family (this one is going on my wall)
How will I describe the wedding? Lots of very happy people, sincere friends, a close knit family, lots of detail at the wedding planned by the bride. Charles boxer was even embroidered:” Property of Mrs Hamilton” And overalled VERY relaxed, nobody was stressing out. the guys even had a barbecue and a swim before the wedding.
I must admit, very few brides are so enthusiastic about their wedding as Annelize was, she just couldn’t wait to become Mrs Hamilton, they even moved the wedding date up with a few months. (Good for you Annelize…I like your enthusiasm)
The venue was the beautiful Diep in die Berg in Pretoria East…one of my favourite places to photograph at.
I asked Annelize a couple of questions about her wedding and how they met and got engaged:
It all started in 2008 when me and Charles’s sister Anneli became friends. It wasn’t long before me and Anneli became best friends. We spent most of our time with each other. Whether it was just a normal Saturday braai or any special occasion (like parents or sibling birthdays, ext.). Since then I took note of Charles. He is very charming, handsome and fun. But we both where in relationships throughout the years. I liked him throughout the time, but I thought he didn’t even notice me.
On 25 May 2012 I moved to a new house and needed to buy electricity. I stood in a very long queue waiting when I saw Charles and his friend at the petrol pump. I didn’t even think he noticed me, but the next moment he was there, right next to me. After a while talking we realised that we were both single. Charles immediately offered to come and help me set up my TV & entertainment system. I knew it was a Friday night and he and his friends was planning to braai, so I told him that he must maybe come another day, because of the plans he already had. He then gave me his number and said that I must contact him if there is anything he can help me with. I am kind of old fashioned in the sense that a woman don’t phone after a guy. He must make the first move. The fact that I liked him for a while made it hard not to contact him, but I stayed strong.
The next day Charles sneaked onto Anneli’s phone to get my bbm pin. He then invited and we couldn’t stop chatting. Sunday evening he wanted to bring me some Sago Poeding. I already had plans to go to church that evening, so I told him maybe another time. The next day we kept chatting and that evening he offered to get me a Mc Flurry. I was sort of playing hard to get, to make sure if he really wanted to spend time with me or whether he was just being nice. So I told him I am still busy unpacking and my house is still a mess… maybe next time. I was afraid that he would run of, but decided to keep believing. I liked him more with all the chatting and needed to make sure he liked me. The next day while chatting he made the suggestion that we go and watch Men in Black 3. I could keep him hanging any longer, so I decided to go on our first date. It was the most wonderful evening. A lot of fun and talking and laughing all the time.
After that evening we almost spend everyday together. We stayed up late everyday, just to spend time together and neither of us wanted the other to leave to his/his house. We fell in love very fast and couldn’t get enough of each other. Since the beginning he will always rub my left finger, telling me that this finger is his. We were crazy about each other.
In December 2012 we went on holiday to Cape Town. It was our first holiday together as well as our first time in Cape Town. We decided to go on a catamaran on new years eve to watch all the fireworks on shore while we are at sea. Unfortunately it was a very unpleasant day, with very strong winds and it was cold. It was Charles’s first time at sea, and with the huge waves and wind and unpleasant conditions Charles started to feel a bit sick, but we made it to 1 January 2013 in one piece. When we got to our apartment at 4am he told me that he is going to put champagne on the balcony for us to have one last new years drink. I couldn’t understand because we were both very tired and I just wanted to go to bed. That is where he went on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. I was shocked and happy all at ones. I started crying and just kissing me. After a while he asked me (with a bit of nervousness) whether I was going to give him an answer. I just smiled and kissed him more and answered him off course I will. It turns out he wanted to ask me on the boat at sea, but because of the conditions it was not possible.
Afterwards I also found out, that since I only visited as Anneli’s friend, he already told his father that I am the woman he is going to marry. He noticed me the whole time as well!!!
Our wedding day was the most special and beautiful day of our lives. I was very excited and couldn’t wait to get to church to marry the man of my dreams. I kept asking what time it is, because I didn’t want to be late. Everybody just said that I am the bride, and I must be late.
We remember everything about our wedding, big or small. It was the most special day and we could celebrate it with our close family and friends. The one moment I will treasure forever is when I walked down the aisle and I saw that Charles had tears in his eyes. When the pastor announced us husband and wife I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. My dreams came true and I married the man a prayed for so long. I am blessed with the most wonderful husband and I am MRS HAMILTON now!!!
I chose a dress a fitted at the first place I went to fit dresses, Chiqwawa. From the start I loved absolutely everything about the dress and it was perfect for the perfect day I married my prince.
Sunday morning after breakfast we left for our honeymoon on the south coast. We enjoyed every single moment of it. Our first holiday as mr & mrs Hamilton.
JC first photographed Anneli and her husband Hein’s pre wedding and wedding. Then we did a family shoot with him. After that he photographed Charles’s other sister Melissa and her husband Schalk’s pre wedding and wedding. On one day we did another familyshoot, our pre wedding shoot as well as Anneli’s maturnity shoot. JC is more like part of the family than out photographer. Since the beginning we just loved JC’s work. We didn’t even consider anyone else for our wedding photographer. His work is his passion and it shows in every photograph. He makes you feel at ease and it and so relaxed while he takes photos. We knew we were in good hands. Thank you JC. You are the best without a doubt.
Venue: Diep in die Berg012-807 4630events@diepindieberg.com
Make-up: Desre Sill 072 148 2567dessnyman@mweb.co.za
Hair:B’Styled – Colleen Potgieter 083 554 3688
Wedding Dress:Chiqwawa Pretoria072 033 9412chiqwawa@gmail.com
Future bride & grooms must just relax and enjoy every moment of the day. It is going to be the best and most special day, regardless of anything going wrong or not. The day passes very fast. Take in every moment, every second and enjoy it. It is your day!
JC Crafford Wedding Photography
JC Crafford Photography and Videography is a team of boutique wedding photographers and videographers. The business is family owned and three members of our family are already involved in the business. We absolutely enjoy being part of the passion, love, drama and everything about the biggest day in a couples life. Give us a call to discuss your wedding. We are stationed in Pretoria in Gauteng but regularly travel all over South Africa to Photograph and film this once in a lifetime moment for couples. You can read more about our wedding photography packages here, and our videography packages here. Or just browse our site and look at all the special people and weddings that we have photographed and filmed. You can contact us or join our social media profiles here.